How to extend the battery life of Huawei and Honor smartphones

Preserving the battery capacity in order to increase its service life has long been an obsession for many users. Therefore, today it has become the norm to look for the only correct way to charge, which can protect the battery from wear or at least delay it a little.

I personally do not belong to this category and sincerely believe that putting a smartphone on charge and removing it according to a schedule, carefully monitoring that it is being charged and charged strictly up to a certain point, is already too much. Especially when it is possible not to take active steps to save the battery.

How to extend the battery life of Huawei and Honor smartphones

Smart charging can extend battery life

Huawei users have a great opportunity to avoid all this red tape with a special approach to charging their smartphones. With the release of the EMUI 10.1 update, the distribution of which has already begun not only among the flagships, but also frankly inexpensive devices of the brand, a special “smart” charging mode has appeared in the firmware.

It is he who will allow, firstly, to save the battery by extending its service life, and, secondly, it will save your own time and nerves, eliminating the need to count percentages before disconnecting the smartphone from the outlet.

How Huawei smart charging works

Smart charging will be available on all Huawei and Honor smartphones with EMUI 10.1

Smart charging works according to the following scenario:
  • Artificial intelligence studies at what time and how much you usually put your smartphone on charge;
  • If this is usually a nightly charging session, smart algorithms will charge the device in two stages;
  • At the first stage, the battery is charged at 80%, and then the current supply stops until the morning;
  • Half an hour before the estimated time to disconnect the smartphone from the outlet, the smartphone will resume charging and make up for the remaining 20%.

This is done in order to minimize the damage that the battery does when fully charged. Indeed, when a smartphone is set to charge, it charges up to 100% in a half to two hours, and then throughout the night experiences micro-energy losses, which the power supply continuously replenishes. The stomach works in a similar way, which many fill, even without experiencing hunger and food needs, but simply because they have nothing to do. As a result, this leads to a malfunction of the digestive system and obesity.

How to enable smart charging

You can enable smart charging in the settings of the smartphone
  • To enable smart charging, upgrade to EMUI 10.1;
  • Go to "Settings" - "Battery" - "Other battery settings";
  • In the window that opens, activate the "Smart Charging";
  • Wait for the night and put your smartphone on charge.

It is hard to say how much this technique actually can delay obsolescence and battery wear. Huawei itself refuses to make any promises to this effect, obviously fearing claims from users in case the forecast does not come true. Indeed, in this case, one can run into both the courts and the loss of authority. However, this is quite logical, because due to the different approaches to using smartphones, it is impossible to build a single scenario for everyone to predict where smart charging will work and where not.

When Huawei just announced the launch of smart charging , many thought that it was copying the idea that was used in iOS 13. Then Apple also introduced its own smart charging mechanism , but it wasn’t to stop the power supply process, but to slow it down as much as possible.

As a result, no matter what charging unit you use, the iPhone will always charge for 7-8 hours, depending on how long you usually leave it at the outlet. I can’t say whose methodology is better. But for AirPods in Cupertino, they chose the Huawei method .

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